Blend comprises
- Cedarwood - the wood and oil from cedar are great natural insect repellents. Cedar closets deter moths, cedar mulch keeps insects away from plants and the oil repels a wide variety of bugs such as mosquitoes, flies, silverfish, ants, fleas, mites, ticks and lice
- Citronella - has a traditional reputation for repelling biting insects, particularly mosquitoes
- Lemon - has natural bug repelling properties. Many bugs including cockroaches and water bugs react negatively to citrus scents and stay away from the area where they are used
- Peppermint - bugs don't like this scent but it is cooling and refreshing to humans
Product Description
- A combination of essential oils diluted in Sweet Almond oil ready for application to the skin
- Blended to enhance your general state of well-being
- Designed to pop in the pocket, handbag or bedside drawer for quick and easy use
How to Use Product
- Gently roll on to temples or pulse points